Container from scratchFrom the beginning of my journey with building containers, I used to put “FROM: image-name:tag” on my docker files, then it came to me to…Jul 7, 2022Jul 7, 2022
Container images update in Kubernetes with Jenkins CI/CD pipeline using hash256In CI/CD workflow, Kubernetes deployments are frequently applied, usually, within specific stages, the same tag but not the same code…Mar 9, 2021Mar 9, 2021
Kubernetes stateful POD Backups with Netbackup, Veeam, Networker Architecture using MetalLBEvery company is now converging to microservices architectures through cloud-native design patterns for their new applications and or…Nov 1, 20201Nov 1, 20201
Free authentication integration of Kibana with OIDC and LDAP using Keykloak, Apache Reverse Proxy…What?Oct 31, 20203Oct 31, 20203
Free authentication integration of Kibana with LDAP using Apache Reverse Proxy and X-PACK enabledWhat?Sep 20, 20205Sep 20, 20205